Tuesday, 26 June 2007

26 June - Todays Top Nuclear News Articles

Brazil recommended to restart construction of its third reactor

The National Energy Policy Council in Brazil have recommended to President da Silva that construction should resume on the third nuclear power plant at Angra. The president will make the final decision. He has made positive statements about nuclear energy in the past. The restart of construction of Angra 3 could prove to be the start of a new programme of nuclear power construction in Brazil.

click here for the full story

US Regulator proposes changes that could speed new reactor construction

One of the things that slows down new nuclear build in the US is the time taken to get a combined Construction and Operating Licence. The NRC has looked at ways too speed up the licence process. They believe they cut it it down from around 42 months to between 27-36 months.

Around 27 licence applications are expected for new reactors over the next few years.

Click here for the full article

Finns look for site for another reactor

Fennovoima, a business consortium made up of Finnish and Swedish industry and energy companies, is talking to representative from municipalities across Finland about possible sites for new nuclear reactors. Finland's fourth nuclear is currently under construction, The local government of Loviisa, already home of two nuclear plants is talking to Fennovoima. Up in Simo, in south-west Finnish Lapland, discussions are taking place as to whether a nuclear reactor could be built there. An announcement of 6-8 to potential places for new nuclear plants will probably be announced by Fennovoima in July.

Click here for the full article

New Uranium Mine in India

India has opened a new uranium mine and a mill to process the mined uranium. India is trying to increase its domestic uranium production capacity so it is less reliant on imports. India is looking to expand nuclear generation to help meets its growing energy needs. It is also looking at developing nuclear fuel cycles based around Thorium, an alternative nuclear fuel that India is rich in.

go to the full article here

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