Thursday, 21 June 2007

Areva Update

Whilst browsing Nuclear News on the Internet I came across the best source for this type of news, here is a story you have to read

Areva get enrichment contract from South Korean

AREVA, the French nuclear giant, have signed a contract worth more than one billion euros to enrich uranium for KHNP (Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co Ltd).

The enriched uranium will be supplied from Areva's new centrifuge enrichment plant, which is still under contruction in France. The centrifuge enrichment process is much more energy efficient than the gaseous diffusion process currently used in France. AREVA's enrichment competitiors, URENCO, have used the centrifuge enrichment process for many years.

KHNP is a South Korean company that operates 20 reactors and has another 8 in the pipeline, this makes it the fourth largest nuclear power plant operator.

go the the World Nuclear News Site

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